Remembrance Tree

Friends of Endicott Park Remembrance Tree Program
Planting a tree in honor or in memory of the people we love or to recognize those who positively influence our lives, is a centuries-old tradition. The Town of Danvers and Friends of Endicott Park, Inc., is proud to offer the opportunity to create these living tributes. The first step is to read the Remembrance Tree Program Guidelines.
With application and a $500 donation to the Remembrance Tree Program, the Friends of Endicott Park, Inc. will plant a tree at Endicott Park in honor or in memory of a loved one, friend, or co-worker. This tree will serve as a living and growing memorial while helping Endicott Park continue to create a healthier more sustainable park. All trees are purchased via donations.
With our thanks, we will send you a Remembrance Certificate with your unique tree # certifying that a tree has been planted in their name.​
Remembrance Tree Program Guidelines
Our best effort will be made to plant a tree in your desired location, though we intentionally do not designate a specific tree, and purposely plant two or more trees in an area at a time. We do this for a few reasons, but primarily because we cannot guarantee the health of any one tree in perpetuity. A tree’s health may be subject to weather, drought and disease. With that in mind, if a tree does not survive, it can be extremely hard on a family who donated this living tribute to a loved one. For this reason, any one of the recently planted trees in that area could be considered your remembrance tree.
Trees will be chosen based on site conditions such as soil composition, soil moisture, light availability and distance to surrounding infrastructure. Trees proposed for an honor planting must be selected from the approved list of species.
The tree location will be determined at the discretion of the Town of Danvers. Trees will be planted on municipal land in Endicott Park. For the purpose of these guidelines, municipal land means any town-owned, maintained, and/or controlled property.
The Town of Danvers and Friends of Endicott Park, Inc. cannot guarantee that a Remembrance Tree will not be removed in the event that a Park Master Plan or other construction dictates landscape changes.
Remembrance trees will become Town of Danvers property and therefore we will be responsible for all care and maintenance.
Following the submission of the request form, the Town of Danvers will assess the proposed site and make a decision on the proper species, size, and site. The applicant will be contacted to finalize arrangements.
The Town of Danvers and Friends of Endicott Park, Inc. will put forth its best effort to ensure that the Remembrance Tree is properly maintained during the period of establishment. We cannot, however, insure the tree against acts of vandalism or failure as a result of environmental conditions.
The Town of Danvers and/or Friends of Endicott Park, Inc. will provide one replacement Remembrance Tree within 1 year of initial planting, at or near the original planting site, at no cost to the applicant. We will attempt to replace the tree with the same size and species; however, we reserve the right to plant an alternative species and/or size.
Remembrance trees will be planted by the Town of Danvers and Friends of Endicott Park, Inc. staff in the spring and fall seasons. To receive consideration for spring planting, a request form must be received no later than February 10. To receive consideration for fall planting, a request form must be received no later than September 10.
All Remembrance trees will come with a Remembrance Certificate containing the following information: tree species, acknowledgment of the person being honored, and date of the tree planting. No plaques, stones, markers etc. are permitted.
A copy of the Remembrance Certificate will be on file The Town of Danvers and Friends of Endicott Park, Inc. for future reference. In addition, a comprehensive list of all Remembrance trees with the location and name of the honoree will be maintained.
We are grateful to everyone for their continued support.